1. You need to clean for you, you deserve to live in a clean environment, you matter! This is often the most difficult reason to understand, you do deserve to live in a clean and safe environment and you are important enough to deserve a clean home and a clean place to live.
2. When you become an adult, taking care of the environment where you live is part of growing up and taking responsibility for yourself and the home in which you live.
3. The health of your family matters, keeping your home a clean and healthy place to live; this shows your family you care. You care about their needs and you want to give them a clean and healthy place in which they can live.
4. If you love to clean and have a clean home, that is a part of who you are; having a clean home is important to you, embrace it but don’t let it ruin your life.
5. When you clean, it gives you a sense of accomplishment and pride and that can just make you feel good!
6. Cleaning can calm you down, you are not thinking about other things and you can focus on the task at hand, it is a great way to remove the stress from your life.
7. Do you ever feel a sense of being overwhelmed when you think of your cleaning, you have so much to do and not the motivation to get up and carry out the tasks? Keeping on top of your cleaning can remove this feeling of being overwhelmed, it can put you in control, making you feel empowered to tackle what the day wants to throw your way.
8. We all need a way to get rid of the stress in our lives and cleaning is a great way to manage it. You have time to do tasks, you can zone out of the stress, giving you time to unwind and take away those stresses that can cause illness and ill-health.
9. Cleaning is a great way to exercise; you can get your heart rate to increase. Helping you to stay active and it completes the tasks quicker if you are enjoying the activity, try cleaning to music or set a timer to see how quickly you can clean..
10. One reason why you need to clean is to prevent pests from taking over your home. If there is not a source of food, these animals will not have a reason to come into your home. If they do, they won’t stay if there is nothing they need. Keeping your home free of unwelcome visitors isn’t always easy but keeping your home clean might help deter those animals who stray.
11. Cleaning your home is safe for your children. Exposing children to unhealthy living conditions can and will cause them health issues, which can result in the worst cases with your children taken into care.
12. If your home is clean it is easier to find the things that you need, it means that you are not spending money on replacement items just because you can’t find something.
13. Your home will be easier to clean the more frequently you clean, there will be less dirt and germs if you clean your home more; the time that it takes to get clean won’t be as long, giving you more time to do the things you love.
14. A clean home is better for your mental health too, sometimes when we let the cleaning go for too long, it is difficult to see where you need to start and this can put you in a state of depression that becomes a vicious circle of not being able to clean.
15. A clean home means that you aren’t embarrassed to invite your friends or family over, it gives you a sense of freedom to enjoy your life and living in a clean home can help promote that sense of pride in the place you call home.
16. Cleaning is a way to bring order to chaos, it is about putting things right, it gives you a sense of accomplishment but it also gives you just as much back because you take back control of your home.
17. By cleaning your home, you are showing your family that you care; you care about their health and their well-being. It is a way to say I am thankful for you, I want to show that care by keeping our home clean.
18. Your home is where you live if it is clean it will feel good to you, it’s a place you call home, where you live. If you keep it clean, you are giving yourself love and showing you care about you, which is so important.
